Our Son

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers


Lilypie Waiting to Adopt tickers

Saturday, May 22, 2010

We're Having A Whale Of A Time!

Keyanna is trying to collect the grass they
brought into the water.....I think?

They liked touching the sprinkler but they were not
much on being under it.....

Oops, Hayden is losing his drawers!

I think Keyanna had the most fun out of them all!

I love this picture!

Keyanna was the brave one....this water was freezing cold!

Time for another round down the slide!

Eliyah had trouble with the idea of getting wet!

When he first stepped into the pool, he jumped and then fell
right in the refreshing cold water....I wish I had my camera
at that very moment, needless to say he wasn't impressed.

He made a great audience....he watched everyone go down the
slide....he just wasn't that excited about sliding into the
cold water....I don't blame him one bit.....
he must get that
from me.

Hayden loved it!

Looks like Eliyah is getting the hang of it =)

Here we go!

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