Our Son

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers


Lilypie Waiting to Adopt tickers

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Extra! Extra! Read all about it!

Like Father like son, what a pair!
Hey, Eliyah you're missing your bag.....

Eliyah and I enjoy spending time together, the fellowship
is wonderful as we go along delivering papers....
he looks so grown up =( I should be happy, and I am
but sometimes it is hard to accept that he is not my baby anymore!

Daddy likes to carry about every paper he can hold!

Eliyah gets the papers and delivers them all by himself when
he is with me....I go to do a house and he gets all upset at me
because he wants to do them =). I thought with him being so young
Chad and I would be doing most of the work....but once again
I was proven wrong. He has been such a good sport about it.

And he's off.....What a boy! I so love him!

One thing about a 3 year old is that they are very easily
distracted....he notices everything and points them out
to me....I have had to stop and smell the roses so to speak
and not be so programmed to "just get the job done"....
that can be very difficult at times!

He can be so driven at times to get the paper to the house.
Until he notices some other boys trucks or john deere's or toys
around the property.....then he wants to play =)

He wanted to carry this honest....however, after he took the
reigns he realized he wasn't going to be able to do it....he tried!

As we were walking together along the street we noticed this
pretty tree with white flowers on it and noticed how they were
falling to the ground...it was so pretty....Eliyah decided
he wanted to be a part of it and stood underneath it for awhile.

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